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Customization Steps

Step 1: Confirm requirements

Clarify the customized requirements for PVC brush wire with customers, including the purpose, specifications, length, color, whether to add environmentally friendly powder, ripple size, and other parameters of the brush wire, and reach an agreement with customers.

Step 2: Select PVC wire brushing raw materials

Based on customer needs, select suitable PVC brush wire raw materials, including the type, formula, color, etc. of PVC resin, to ensure that the brush wire raw materials can meet customized requirements.

Step 3: Design the wire brushing mold

Design a PVC brush wire mold based on the specifications and requirements provided by the customer, including the shape, size, density, etc. of the brush wire, and make the mold or entrust a professional manufacturer for production.

Step 4: Wire brushing production

Place the designed brush wire mold into the PVC brush wire production line, and according to the production process requirements, place the selected PVC brush wire raw materials into the mold. After heating and cooling, form the desired brush wire shape.

Step 5: Wire brushing and quality inspection

Place the trimmed PVC brush wire into the brush wire finishing machine, and through the operation of the finishing machine, make the shape of the brush wire more uniform and neat, removing possible impurities and irregularities. Subsequently, quality inspection will be conducted on the brush wire to check if the quality and specifications of the brush wire meet the customized requirements.

Step 6: Packaging and delivery

Qualified customized PVC brush wires can be packaged, including outer and inner packaging, for easy storage and transportation after undergoing quality inspection. Finally, deliver the customized PVC brush wire to the customer and complete the customized order.
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